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Thoroughbred, Greyhound and Harness Racing laws and regulations in Australia

Thoroughbred racing, Greyhound racing and Harness racing codes

The racing industry is part of the fabric of Australia and is a significant employer and contributor to the Australian economy. The relationship between racing and wagering is symbiotic, with unique issues relevant to both including, amongst other things, Race Field fees, the Point of Consumption Tax (POCT), Vision arrangements, sponsorships, consumer protection and responsible gambling.

Race Field fees

Retail Wagering Operators, Corporate Bookmakers and On-course Bookmakers are also required to pay race field fees/product fees to racing controlling bodies and sports controlling bodies, respectively, in relation to bets taken on their product. These fees are generally a percentage of turnover, or the greater of a percentage of turnover and gross margin, and depend on the relevant product. Race Field fees are set by each racing code in each State and Territory across Australia.

To find out more about the race field fees in each jurisdiction by racing code, please contact us to request a copy of the current Senet Guide to Race Field fees in Australia.

Australia’s Point of Consumption Tax on wagering

The Point of Consumption Tax (POCT) has been progressively introduced in most Australian States and Territories since July 2017. The POCT is applied as a percentage of the net wagering revenue derived from all wagering and betting activity by customers in the relevant jurisdiction, not the State or Territory where the bookmaker is licensed, which was previously the case. Under the POCT framework, online bookmakers are required to pay tax on revenue generated from the State or Territory in which the bets are placed, rather than from the State of Territory in which the online bookmaker is licensed. The current POCT rates in Australia are 10% in New South Wales and Victoria, 15% in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory. There is currently no POCT in the Northern Territory.

Senet are the leading racing industry lawyers and solicitors in Australia

The Senet gambling law and regulatory team are Australia's most respected advisers to Principal Racing Authorities, Corporate Bookmakers, On-Course Bookmakers and Bookmaker Associations in relation to a wide range of legal, regulatory and compliance issues. We frequently advise on:

  • Race Field fee and integrity models
  • Vision arrangements
  • Media rights
  • International rights
  • Point of consumption tax issues
  • Contract negotiations and drafting
  • The National Consumer Protection Framwork
  • Gambling advertising laws
  • Marketing guides
  • Responsible gambling
  • Privacy policies
  • Terms and conditions
  • Sponsorship and other agreements
  • Investigations

Our team are ranked in Chambers & Partners Global and Asia Pacific as leading experts in gambling law and regulation and deep expertise in racing.

Our complete range of legal and advisory services

Our team of experts advise clients in a range of sectors including racing, casinos, lotteries, government and regulators, licensed gaming venues, gaming manufacturers, social gaming across a spectrum of services encompassing legal, advisory and gambling compliance training services. Through the Senet Compliance Academy we provide a full spectrum of gaming compliance training courses to ensure that all staff and operators in the racing industry are complying with their legal and regulatory obligations. To understand how you can meet and exceed your legal and regulatory obligations, contact Senet, the leading greyhound, thoroughbred and harness racing lawyers in Australia.